Mono Or Color Laser Printer - Which is Best For Me?
When you have finally found the best place or website to buy yourself a printer for office or home use, you can often be left with quite a confusing decision on which type of device to actually get. Even after you choose the brand, you still have plenty of models within their range to choose from.
Perhaps the real problem that most people face is whether or not they should get a mono or color laser printer. Before taking any wild guesses and wasting money, ask yourself these four questions before you decide which is best for you.
Color Printer
How often will I perform color printing jobs?
If you see a great color printer that is backed with positive reviews, then more often than not, this could well be the one that you need to do regular color printing tasks. Determine how often you will need to do any colour related tasks. If you are fond of printing high quality photos, or want to make your documents look better with a bright array of tones, then a color laser printer could be right for you. Don't forget to ask yourself the remaining questions before finalizing your decision because you may not need a color laser printer if you have other alternatives to consider.
What other color printing alternatives do I have?
Those people who do not have these high quality color laser printers often end up going to shops that accept images through any medium and print using their equipment for a certain fee depending on the size and quality. Depending on your location, you might have a few good quality shops just around the corner or and may not need these printers unless you plan on doing the tasks more often. When answering this question, you should also figure out which alternative is the best and compare it with getting a laser color printer, both in terms of cost and convenience.
How much am I willing to spend?
You should also keep an eye on your cash at hand because that will let you determine what type of printer you should get and whether it will be a colored laser printer or a mono one. Colored printers are obviously more expensive and they can usually handle mono as well. But with mono initial setup and running costs are far lower and they are still able to produce top quality black and white imaging.
Will I have budget for the consumables?
After you made the purchase, your expenses are not over yet because you will still need money to buy consumables including toner cartridges. These cartridges can be quite expensive, especially if they are for coloured laser printers. These consumables will be a reoccurring expense, which are dependent on how often you use the printer. Make sure you have information on these consumables so you can plan ahead and get an average on how much you need to reserve for. You could be better off with a mono printer if you think the cartridges prove to be too pricey.
Which is best for me?
Now all you need to do is make a final decision and prepare for using a brand new laser printer. Understand the functions and specifications of the printer no matter which one you choose so you can really make the most out of your purchase.
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